
Public Tickets

Brad Can't pay and download Jeoparody   Updated May 19, 2023 at 6:04pm   1 Most recent comment from Brad:I can't pay with paypal or with my credit card. I really like your template, but can't get it.  MARGARET D\'SOUZA did not receive the email and link for jeopardy Jeoparody   Updated May 15, 2023 at 11:58pm   1 Most recent comment from MARGARET D\'SOUZA:wanted to download the jeopardy template with scoreboard. got the message saying link sent to email. but so far nothing, how long does it take? Dava Wilson No sound or daily double Jeoparody   Updated May 11, 2023 at 6:52pm   2 Most recent comment from Reid:Hi there, sorry but the theme song and daily double had to be removed for copyright reasons. Sorry about that!Reid Vickie Jeopardy color question Jeoparody   Updated May 11, 2023 at 6:50pm   2 Most recent comment from Reid:Hi there, yes sorry you would need 2016 or newer. Thanks!Reid Sandra using and clearing the gameClosed Jeoparody   Updated December 6, 2022 at 8:38pm   2 Most recent comment from Reid:Hi there, you need to launch the slide show (F5) in order for it to be interactive. Have you tried that?Reid Kerry Team Name Changes?Closed Jeoparody   Updated October 7, 2022 at 4:32am   2 Most recent comment from Reid:Hi there, you have to edit them in the slide master (View / Slide Master) nilofer jiwani How to edit the "Home" button?Closed Jeoparody   Updated October 7, 2022 at 4:31am   2 Most recent comment from Reid:It's in the slide master. You have to do to View / Slide Master and edit it there. Thanks! Carwin Google SlidesClosed Jeoparody   Updated October 7, 2022 at 4:30am   2 Most recent comment from Reid:Sorry, it doesn't work well on Google slides kate swan JeopardyClosed Jeoparody   Updated December 22, 2021 at 7:09am   4 Most recent comment from Reid:Oh ok great! Glad you got it. ThanksReid David Woelke Jeopardy not working correctlyClosed Jeoparody   Updated December 20, 2021 at 5:30am   4 Most recent comment from Reid:Hi there, merry christmas to you too! Unfortunately the scores don't work on the online version. It has to be the full downloaded powerpoint application. ThanksReid Brandon Welsh Welsh Scoring in Christmas JeoparodyClosed Jeoparody   Updated December 10, 2021 at 6:31am   2 Most recent comment from Reid:Hi there, it should be somewhat automatic. When you answer a question, then go back to the board, that amount is loaded in the center board, and then you can distribute it to whichever team you'd ... Lee Doughty Didn't get downloads for either gameClosed Jeoparody   Updated December 3, 2021 at 11:58pm   2 Most recent comment from Reid:Hi there, so sorry about this. Did they come through? Were they the standard ones or the scoreboard ones? What email was it under?Reid Ashley Lieber Jeopardy email not showing upClosed Jeoparody   Updated November 19, 2021 at 6:44am   2 Most recent comment from Reid:Hi there, I'm not seeing anything under that email. Was it perhaps under a different account? Which file was it?Reid Julie McManus A couple of questionsClosed Jeoparody   Updated November 13, 2021 at 7:02am   2 Most recent comment from Reid:Hi there, you should have received the link right after you submitted the order on the site. Did you receive it? Second, yes I've had to make some modifications and remove copyrighted things. Th ... Molly FitzGerald Jeopardy musicClosed Jeoparody   Updated October 30, 2021 at 6:02am   2 Most recent comment from Reid:Hi there, sorry but my versions don't have the theme music in them due to copyright issues. ThanksReid